Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A great new day...

I only have a few minutes to post today before we have to get back to the orphanage for our afternoon visit with our little one. The morning went great. She waddled over to us from her play group without any tears and let me scoop her up in my arms. She loved the apple slices we gave her and we have taught her to say "more" and use sign language sign for more. We're not sure if she understands this means "more" or "apple". We'll see this afternoon when we try it again with a banana! :) Every day is a new adventure. We got her a new push toy this afternoon and are excited to see if she likes it. Anything has to better than the sticks she's been using to sweep the dirt (and then throw!).

Things are going well business-wise and Sergei says everything is on track so far. He is going to court tomorrow to find out our court date, then we will have a better sense of our time line.

Thanks for all the name suggestions. We love them all. We have narrowed it down to 2, so we're just trying them out to see which one fits best with her. :) We'll announce soon!!

Blessings to you all. Love, Hunter and Lauri


doakski said...

Great idea on the sign language. I was actually thinking yesterday that might be an option for you - it's universal! I know that you will continue to bond with her each day and her not-so-good habits will fade away once she's able to gain the stability of being with you both. It will just take time. Ghandi once said, "We cannot, in a moment, get rid of habits of a lifetime." With your help, she will learn good habits. Keep up the good work! Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress. Love, Nan

April Martinez said...

You guys have no idea how excited Juanpy and I got when we got on here yesterday! I could barely read through the tears and you have no idea how many times I've looked back over the pictures! Praise God - He is SSOOOO faithful! She is absolutely beautiful - and I can't wait for the day when she'll come meet her Dominican family. :) FYI - the foster / adoption agency that my mom works at in AZ is the leading center in AZ for attachment therapy for kid's who've been adopted over a year old. If you have any questions about resources, books, etc, let me know. My little sis, Crystal, also translated for a billion different attachment sessions for hispanic families and learned alot...and may have some insight to offer. LOVE you guys - all three of you! And I'm with the Tait family - going for Taiter salad as well. :)

April Martinez said...
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Robbie said...

I forgot to put my suggestion in the hat...Mary HadaLittle Lambeth. That is, if you decide not to use "Robbie".

Unknown said...

Hello from Chi-Town,

Love reading the blog!! You guys make such a handsome family.. I can't wait to see her in person. She is such a cutie!! Miss you guys!! Love, Lydia

lesterofmarseille said...

Lorni!!! This is all just so amazing! I love your little girl already! Can't wait to hear her name. What about Micah? Carl says that name all the time when he talks about what you'll name your kids someday. It's not really very Russian-y, but it's such a great name. Anyway - I printed out all the info from your blog site for dad on Saturday. I'll send him the update tomorrow or Friday probably. All such great news! Oh - and I got your bday card. Thanks for the cross! I love it and wore it right away. Abbie is trying to claim it for herself, but I told her, "No, not this one. Sorry." And she is a perfect example of the terrible twos (and threes). Totally strong-willed, yet totally wonderful! Just givin' her lots of spankin's and lots of hugs!
Thanks for keeping us updated on all your happenings through this amazingly professional-looking website. It all looks and sounds wonderful. God is amazing! We're praying for everything to be smooth and quick! Lovelovelove to you and Hunter and AdorableOneWho'sYetToHaveAName, Leslie